No Rain, No Sleet, No Festival?

Storms Can Hit at Any Time
Our crews were called to a job in Charlotte, NC, where a tree had fallen on a residential home. The job ended up being located a block from the Yiasou Greek Festival. We had to navigate heavy traffic, and closed roads in order to get to the job and get to work.
Once there, we worked long and hard to get the debris cleared away from the house. Afterwards we even had the time to meet some nice people, and eat some wonderful food. But the real reward is helping people in our community out when they are in need!
If you have storm damage, we’ll help any time, any place!
Our team is trained to keep your property safe and we have a 24/7 emergency hotline, so we’re committed to helping you anytime. If you need any help with tree trimming or have any questions about it, call your tree trimming professionals at Justin Dugan’s Tree Service. We’re always here to help you!